NSA Building a Quantum Computer. “Penetrating Hard Targets” & “Owning the Net” are the Names of the New Projects

The National Security Agency (NSA) is trying to invent a Quantum Computer that should crack any contemporary encryption algorithm including 4,096-bit RSA. The budget of $80 are invested in a program called “Penetrating Hard Targets” and “Owning the Net” Based on the paperwork provided by Edward Snowden a former contractor of NSA , a significant scientific power will be redirected to … Read more

Steam Servers Down due to Hackers Attack

Several reports were received that Steam Servers are Down. If you have problems connecting to servers for Counter Strike or Battlefield 4  right now you should not be able because the hacking group Derp Trolling  DDoS the game servers using “Gaben’s Laser Beam” to shut them down. The multiplayer game community suffers because the servers are centralized … Read more

How to Break RSA Encryption

It appears that in order to Break RSA Encryption you just need a Microphone. Yes, that is correct, a microphone and just start listening. Scientists from the Weizmann Institute of Science  and Tel Aviv University discovered that they can steal even the most secure RSA 4,096-bit encryption keys nowadays by simply listening to a computer as it … Read more

How to Change qvo6 Homepage in Mozilla Firefox

How to Permanently Change qvo6 Homepage? If you accidentally installed a program that changed you homepage to qvo6.com, then you should know the following. This is a pesky search engine that is distributed and promoted via shady techniques. It belongs to a software developed by PortaldoSites.com. The installer is even digitally signed by “Banyan Tree … Read more

Dogecoin virtual currency has suffered its first hack.

The Dogecoin is a copycat currency of the Bitcoin currency. It is not as valuable as the original, but it got some traction and people actually began to use it. However, the Dogecoin virtual currency has suffered its first hack and 21,000,000 Dogecoins worth approximately $12,800 were stolen. So far it is known that the … Read more

CryptoLocker 2.0 Not The Same As The Original CryptoLocker

CryptoLocker 2.0 Not The Same As The Original CryptoLocker The people that want to steal your money are not sleeping and now CryptoLocker 2.0 is on the loose. In my previous Articles for Ransomware I published information regarding the most fearsome menace nowadays. However, a new variant of the CryptoLocker virus  began to spread in the wild. … Read more

Washington Post Website Slow Due to Hackers Attack

The Washington Post’s website sustained third attack in the past three years, usernames and passwords were stolen and the IT specialist still evaluate the extend of the damage. However, there is still no evidence that essential information such as credit card data or home addresses has been compromised. According to this the hackers breached the servers and accessed … Read more

How to remove aartemis.com removal guide

How to Remove aartemis.com? You should remove Aartemis.com hijacker immediately. It may seem like a regular search engine, but it is not. This is a malicious program that will modify your browser settings to infect your computer. It is the so called browser hijacker virus that manipulates Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. The … Read more

ZeroAccess Botnet Crippled, But Not Dead

The ZeroAccess rootkit, also known as Sirefef or max++, is a Trojan horse computer malware that infects Windows operating systems. It first appeared in the summer of 2011 and at present, the ZeroAccess botnet is one of the largest known peer-to-peer botnets in existence with a population upwards of 2 million infected computers. There is … Read more

Computer Virus Using Inaudible Sound Waves to Transmit Data

  Computer Virus Using Inaudible Sound Waves to Transmit Data Do you think that if your computer is not connected to a network and you do not use USB sticks, CDs, DVDs, then you are safe against hackers and malware – you are wrong!  The story about the mysterious BadBIOS virus, a malware not using … Read more