How to remove removal guide

How to Remove You should remove hijacker immediately. It may seem like a regular search engine, but it is not. This is a malicious program that will modify your browser settings to infect your computer. It is the so called browser hijacker virus that manipulates Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. The … Read more

ZeroAccess Botnet Crippled, But Not Dead

The ZeroAccess rootkit, also known as Sirefef or max++, is a Trojan horse computer malware that infects Windows operating systems. It first appeared in the summer of 2011 and at present, the ZeroAccess botnet is one of the largest known peer-to-peer botnets in existence with a population upwards of 2 million infected computers. There is … Read more

Computer Virus Using Inaudible Sound Waves to Transmit Data

  Computer Virus Using Inaudible Sound Waves to Transmit Data Do you think that if your computer is not connected to a network and you do not use USB sticks, CDs, DVDs, then you are safe against hackers and malware – you are wrong!  The story about the mysterious BadBIOS virus, a malware not using … Read more

People Doing Online Banking – Be Advised!!! Beware of Comprovante_Internet_Banking.rtf

Word documents are not to be considered safe anymore.  Brazillian Trojan integrates itself into word documents. The bad guys are using an interesting method to bypass the e-mail filtering techniques by file extension of file type. This method will also allow the malware to integrate its malicious code into a document which will surely fool … Read more

How To Avoid Cryptolocker Infection

According to the US Computer Emergency Readiness Team, this malware spreads mainly through mail messages containing unsolicited web links, in order to avoid the infection you just must not follow these links. The other measures that can be taken to avoid the cryptolocker infection are: Always keep your software up to date (especially the antivirus … Read more

How To Restore Encrypted By Cryptolocker Files

Method 1 to restore the encrypted by CryptoLocker files by hand: You can try to use the built in feature of Windows called System Restore. By default the system restore feature is automatically turned on. Windows creates shadow copy snapshots that contain older copies since the system restore was performed. These snapshots will let us … Read more

The Latest Microsoft Windows 8.1 Patch Is Causing Severe Mouse Lag In Some Games

I almost broke my monitor recently, while playing a game, because I was so infuriated by the recent Windows Update 8.1 that was officially available for download on October 18. Prior to the update, in the windows official blog, Brandon LeBlanc said “Windows 8.1 brings a variety of new features and improvements to Windows 8 … Read more

Is Chrome Hijacker easy to be fixed?

Remove qvo6 virus from Google Chrome If you accidently installed a program that changed you homepage to, then you should know the following. This is a pesky search engine that is distributed and promoted via shady techniques. It belongs to a software developed by The installer is even digitally signed by “Banyan Tree … Read more

How to edit Windows registry

This article is describing how you can make changes of your Windows Registry. Additional information on how to view and modify the registryis available in the online Help topic in the Registry Editor (Regedit.exe). It is very IMPORTANT that you make a backup copy of the registry files (System.dat and User.dat) prior to trying anything … Read more