Trojan.Script.AngryPower.gen Removal

This article can help you to remove Trojan.Script.AngryPower.gen Virus. The step by step removal works for every version of Microsoft Windows.

As you can imagine, Trojan.Script.AngryPower.gen is a Trojan. It’s a dangerous cyber threat. One that slithers its way into your system, undetected. Then, proceeds to mess it up. The infection resorts to trickery, and finesse. And, gets you to approve it into your PC. Once inside, corruption ensues. Trojans are among thew worst cyber offenders. And, rightfully so. That’s a title well-earned. The infections are atrocious. After it makes its way into your PC, it begins to wreak havoc. It’s immensely meddling. You face a multitude of grievances. The Trojan forces countless reshuffles on you. Ones, you did not approve, or were even aware of. One day, you come to find the change, already in place. That can be one, as simple as finding your default homepage switched. But it can also be much more dangerous. The Trojan can approve the installment of as many malicious tools as it so desires. If it feels like it, it can flood your PC with malware. And, that opens the door to a whole new list of consequences. The most insignificant ones include suffering frequent system crashes. Having to endure lagging. Experiencing a variety of online interference, when browsing the web. Coming across a plethora of changes, whose implementation takes you by surprise. But these are a walk in the park, when compared to the graver ones. What if your system gets so overwhelmed with malware, that it gives up? What if you end up facing The Blue Screen of Death? Yes, the dreaded blue is a possibility. Granted, a rather minute one. But as minuscule as it may be, are you willing to take it? Are you okay to take such a severe threat, and for what? You have nothing to gain from holding onto the Trojan. Spare yourself the unpleasantness, it brings your way. Avoid the headaches, and issues. Act against the Trojan.Script.AngryPower.gen menace at once. The sooner you locate and delete it, the better. And, remember. Delays lead to regrets. So, don’t prolong its deletion.

Remove Trojan.Script.AngryPower.gen

How did I get infected with?

As stated, Trojan.Script.AngryPower.gen is a tricky infection. It uses deception and finesse to invade. And, it not only succeeds, but does it undetected. Yes, it manages to slither its way in, without you realizing. If you wonder how that’s possible, it’s pretty simple. You got duped. The tool fooled you into permitting its installment. And, kept you oblivious. Here’s the thing. Trojans have to ask for the user’s permission on their admission. If they get it, they can proceed with install. To avoid getting rejected, they have found ways to ask ‘appropriately.’ They seek your consent the right way. In other words, in the most covert way possible. So covert, that if you’re not careful enough, they manage to slip by you, unnoticed. They use the old but gold invasive methods. Like, freeware, fake updates, spam emails. The usual antics assist its sneakiness. But it’s your carelessness that ensures it. The infection needs you to give into distraction, haste, and naivety. To throw caution to the wind, and rely on luck. That eases its sneaky infiltration. The Trojan.Script.AngryPower.gen tool turned to the same tricks. Don’t ease its invasion. Don’t give into carelessness. Do the opposite. Be extra thorough. Take the time to do your due diligence. While carelessness opens your PC to threats, caution helps to keep them out. Choose caution.

Why is this dangerous?

The Trojan.Script.AngryPower.gen tool is a cyber plague. After it infects your PC, via slyness and finesse, it corrupts it. It spreads its nastiness throughout. And, in no time, there’s not a corner of your PC, left untouched by it. Its corruption affects every part of your system. You face a plethora of problems, which worsen with time. But the absolute worst issue, it forces on you, concerns your privacy. Trojan.Script.AngryPower.gen jeopardizes your private life. It threatens to steal your personal and financial data. And, then expose what it stole, to strangers with agendas. As soon as the Trojan invades, it starts to spy on you. It keeps track of your browsing habits, and records everything. When it deems it enough, it proceeds to send it. It hands it over to the unknown third parties that published it. Individuals with questionable intentions. Not the type of people, you can trust with your most sensitive data. Don’t you agree? So, the question is, will you let the infection succeed with its thieving agenda? Or, would you rather, protect yourself? Not to mention, your system’s well-being. Do yourself a favor, and get rid of the nasty threat ASAP!

Manual Trojan.Script.AngryPower.gen Removal Instructions

The Trojan.Script.AngryPower.gen infection is specifically designed to make money to its creators one way or another. The specialists from various antivirus companies like Bitdefender, Kaspersky, Norton, Avast, ESET, etc. advise that there is no harmless virus.

If you perform exactly the steps below you should be able to remove the Trojan.Script.AngryPower.gen infection. Please, follow the procedures in the exact order. Please, consider to print this guide or have another computer at your disposal. You will NOT need any USB sticks or CDs.

STEP 1: Track down Trojan.Script.AngryPower.gen related processes in the computer memory

STEP 2: Locate Trojan.Script.AngryPower.gen startup location

STEP 3: Delete Trojan.Script.AngryPower.gen traces from Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer

STEP 4: Undo the damage done by the virus

STEP 1: Track down Trojan.Script.AngryPower.gen related processes in the computer memory

  • Open your Task Manager by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ESC keys simultaneously
  • Carefully review all processes and stop the suspicious ones.


  • Write down the file location for later reference.

Step 2: Locate Trojan.Script.AngryPower.gen startup location

Reveal Hidden Files

  • Open any folder
  • Click on “Organize” button
  • Choose “Folder and Search Options”
  • Select the “View” tab
  • Select “Show hidden files and folders” option
  • Uncheck “Hide protected operating system files”
  • Click “Apply” and “OK” button

Clean Trojan.Script.AngryPower.gen virus from the windows registry

  • Once the operating system loads press simultaneously the Windows Logo Button and the R key.


  • A dialog box should open. Type “Regedit”


Depending on your OS (x86 or x64) navigate to:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] or
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] or

  • and delete the display Name: [RANDOM]

delete backgroundcontainer

  • Then open your explorer and navigate to: %appdata% folder and delete the malicious executable.

Clean your HOSTS file to avoid unwanted browser redirection

Navigate to %windir%/system32/Drivers/etc/host

If you are hacked, there will be foreign IPs addresses connected to you at the bottom. Take a look below:


Step 4: Undo the possible damage done by Trojan.Script.AngryPower.gen

This particular Virus may alter your DNS settings.

Attention! this can break your internet connection. Before you change your DNS settings to use Google Public DNS for Trojan.Script.AngryPower.gen, be sure to write down the current server addresses on a piece of paper.

To fix the damage done by the virus you need to do the following.

  • Click the Windows Start button to open the Start Menu, type control panel in the search box and select Control Panel in the results displayed above.
  • go to Network and Internet
  • then Network and Sharing Center
  • then Change Adapter Settings
  • Right-click on your active internet connection and click properties. Under the Networking tab, find Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4). Left click on it and then click on properties. Both options should be automatic! By default it should be set to “Obtain an IP address automatically” and the second one to “Obtain DNS server address automatically!” If they are not just change them, however if you are part of a domain network you should contact your Domain Administrator to set these settings, otherwise the internet connection will break!!!


  • Check your scheduled tasks to make sure the virus will not download itself again.

How to Permanently Remove Trojan.Script.AngryPower.gen Virus (automatic) Removal Guide

Please, have in mind that once you are infected with a single virus, it compromises your whole system or network and let all doors wide open for many other infections. To make sure manual removal is successful, we recommend to use a free scanner of any professional antimalware program to identify possible virus leftovers or temporary files.

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