How to Remove Windows\msime.exe Trojan

This article can help you to remove Windows\msime.exe Virus. The step by step removal works for every version of Microsoft Windows.

Windows\msime.exe is a dangerous process. It is started by a nasty Trojan horse. This parasite sneaks into your computer noticed and before you know it, it corrupts your entire system. It modifies your System Registry, corrupts essential for your OS files and processes. Before you know it, the Trojan has full control of your computer. This parasite can use your machine as it pleases. It may install/uninstall programs, download more malware or turn your machine into a coin miner. Windows\msime.exe Trojan should not be tolerated on board. It is a breach of your security. Do not waste your time. Act against the infection ASAP! As soon as this parasite enters your computer, it throws you into a whirlwind of problems. It interferes with every aspect of your daily PC-related activities. The virus may cause some programs of yours to freeze and crash frequently. It is very likely to disable your anti-virus program too. The virus may also force you to reboot your system repeatedly. But a simple restart will not fix your problems. The Trojan loads together with your OS and is always lurking in the background. To stop it, you must remove it completely. Luckily, we can help. You can use our detailed manual removal guide or download a powerful anti-virus app. You have options. Choose your removal method and act. The sooner you clean your computer, the better!

Remove Windows\msime.exe

How did I get infected with?

To reach its victims, Windows\msime.exe Trojan uses the classic distribution methods. Torrents, spam emails, corrupted links, fake updates, you know them all. All these methods, however, will fail if you are just a bit more vigilant. Let’s take the spam emails as an example. Yes, you know how dangerous an attached file can be. But, did you know that the emails may contain corrupted links as well? The crooks are adding such links and describe them as useful information. One click, however, is all it takes for a virus to be downloaded. Before you even open a questionable email, verify the sender. You can simply enter the questionable address into a search engine. If it was used for shady business, someone might have complained online. The crooks also write on behalf of well-known organizations. If you receive such a letter, go to the company’s official website and compare the email addresses listed there with the one you have received a message from. If they don’t match, delete the pretender immediately. It is up to you to keep your computer virus-free. Don’t be lazy and negligent. Always take your time to make sure your computer is safe.

Why is this dangerous?

Windows\msime.exe is a versatile virus. This Trojan can be re-programmed to do various things. The hackers can command it to further infect your computer. Or, they can use it to spy on you. These people are criminals. They may even try to steal your personal files. You should not underestimate them. They target either your wallet or your computer resources. Either way, you will not be pleased with the outcome. The crooks may try to steal your usernames, passwords and other sensitive information. If they succeed, they can drain your bank account in no time. But, they may simply turn your computer into a coin miner and use it until its ruined. The coin mining process requires a lot of resources. It makes your system unstable and sluggish. This process uses your hardware under very high temperatures. And by doing so, it shortens your hardware’s life significantly. Windows\msime.exe Trojan cannot be beneficial to you. On the contrary — it is harmful. Do not waste your time. Act against the infection before it’s too late.

Manual Windows\msime.exe Removal Instructions

The Windows\msime.exe infection is specifically designed to make money to its creators one way or another. The specialists from various antivirus companies like Bitdefender, Kaspersky, Norton, Avast, ESET, etc. advise that there is no harmless virus.

If you perform exactly the steps below you should be able to remove the Windows\msime.exe infection. Please, follow the procedures in the exact order. Please, consider to print this guide or have another computer at your disposal. You will NOT need any USB sticks or CDs.

STEP 1: Track down Windows\msime.exe related processes in the computer memory

STEP 2: Locate Windows\msime.exe startup location

STEP 3: Delete Windows\msime.exe traces from Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer

STEP 4: Undo the damage done by the virus

STEP 1: Track down Windows\msime.exe related processes in the computer memory

  • Open your Task Manager by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ESC keys simultaneously
  • Carefully review all processes and stop the suspicious ones.


  • Write down the file location for later reference.

Step 2: Locate Windows\msime.exe startup location

Reveal Hidden Files

  • Open any folder
  • Click on “Organize” button
  • Choose “Folder and Search Options”
  • Select the “View” tab
  • Select “Show hidden files and folders” option
  • Uncheck “Hide protected operating system files”
  • Click “Apply” and “OK” button

Clean Windows\msime.exe virus from the windows registry

  • Once the operating system loads press simultaneously the Windows Logo Button and the R key.


  • A dialog box should open. Type “Regedit”


Depending on your OS (x86 or x64) navigate to:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] or
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] or

  • and delete the display Name: [RANDOM]

delete backgroundcontainer

  • Then open your explorer and navigate to: %appdata% folder and delete the malicious executable.

Clean your HOSTS file to avoid unwanted browser redirection

Navigate to %windir%/system32/Drivers/etc/host

If you are hacked, there will be foreign IPs addresses connected to you at the bottom. Take a look below:


Step 4: Undo the possible damage done by Windows\msime.exe

This particular Virus may alter your DNS settings.

Attention! this can break your internet connection. Before you change your DNS settings to use Google Public DNS for Windows\msime.exe, be sure to write down the current server addresses on a piece of paper.

To fix the damage done by the virus you need to do the following.

  • Click the Windows Start button to open the Start Menu, type control panel in the search box and select Control Panel in the results displayed above.
  • go to Network and Internet
  • then Network and Sharing Center
  • then Change Adapter Settings
  • Right-click on your active internet connection and click properties. Under the Networking tab, find Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4). Left click on it and then click on properties. Both options should be automatic! By default it should be set to “Obtain an IP address automatically” and the second one to “Obtain DNS server address automatically!” If they are not just change them, however if you are part of a domain network you should contact your Domain Administrator to set these settings, otherwise the internet connection will break!!!


  • Check your scheduled tasks to make sure the virus will not download itself again.

How to Permanently Remove Windows\msime.exe Virus (automatic) Removal Guide

Please, have in mind that once you are infected with a single virus, it compromises your whole system or network and let all doors wide open for many other infections. To make sure manual removal is successful, we recommend to use a free scanner of any professional antimalware program to identify possible virus leftovers or temporary files.

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