Remove Virus (Chrome, Firefox, IE, EDGE)

Can’t Remove This page includes detailed Removal instructions! is identified as a Browser Hijacker. Hijackers aren’t the worst thing that’s roaming the Web. Do you want to try out the absolute biggest pest online? Try ransomware. Compared to file-encrypting parasites, hijackers are considered harmless. If they do spend enough time on board, though, they eventually get out of hand. No cyber intruder is to be underestimated. Now that you know that is a parasite, are you going to keep it? The longer you hesitate, the more problematic this hijacker becomes. Many PC users tend to ignore hijackers and adware-type infections. Don’t be one of them. Tackle the parasite as soon as you encounter its unwanted presence. only brings along issues and threats. This program messes with your default browser settings. After all, this is a browser hijacker. It hijacks your entire browsing experience in the blink of an eye. Hackers don’t bother to seek your permission before they alter your browser settings. replaces your search engine and homepage with its own domain. Its malicious, highly unreliable domain. Don’t even for a minute forget that was created by cyber criminals. There is no scenario in which it is safe to use. The virus only has one purpose which doesn’t involve your security in any way. On the other hand,’s goal has quite a lot to do with money. Hackers use the dubious pay-per-click mechanism to make money online. That is why they inject your browsers with sponsored web links and mess with your settings. also installs a browser extension or a plugin. Have you stumbled across random commercials? Thank the hijacker. This program displays various ads in various shapes on a daily basis. You’re about to witness pop-ups, pop-unders, banners, interstitials, video ads, etc. It goes without saying that these commercials are incredibly unsafe. Just like the dubious search results, the pop-ups must be avoided. Make sure you stay away from the numerous commercials and fake deals on your PC screen. Crooks are trying to trick you into clicking so they could gain profit. If you click the wrong ad, though, you might compromise your safety further. Does that sound like a risk worth taking? It is not. The hijacker is also responsible for the poor PC performance your machine is having. To top it all, spies on your browsing-related information and sends it to hackers. Both your security and privacy end up jeopardized


How did I get infected with?

Infections such as use tricks. Crooks are perfectly aware that nobody would install a virus voluntarily. What they do is rely on lies to get their creations spread online. The number one technique is called freeware bundling. It’s just as simple as it sounds. Unfortunately, it is also super efficient. Next time you download such programs, opt for the Custom or Advanced option. Be very careful what you give green light to as there might be a virus in the bundle. If you spot some additional “bonus”, deselect it. All kinds of malicious viruses travel the Web bundled. It is up to you whether the virus will get to you or not. To protect your safety, keep an eye out for potential infections. Only download legitimate software and check out the EULA. You should always be aware what terms and conditions you end up accepting. Unless you’re trying to compromise your security, pay attention on time. Another piece of advice is to delete spam messages/emails instead of opening them. This is one of the oldest tricks in the books. As you can see, it is still effective. We would also recommend that you avoid third-party pop-ups and suspicious-looking torrents. Be cautious online and make sure you protect your PC.

Why is this dangerous?

You get redirected to bizarre websites all the time. You’re also forced to use the parasite’s search engine. In addition, your PC screen is bombarded with pop-ups and other commercials. Stay away from anything brought to you by the parasite and put your safety first. adds a plugin to all your once trustworthy browsers. That includes Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer. As a result, surfing the Internet becomes almost impossible. The only way to regain control over your browsers is by removing the parasite itself. As mentioned, poses a threat to your privacy as well. It sneakily steals browsing history, usernames and passwords. However, it might attempt to monitor your personally identifiable data too. Uninstall the hijacker on the spot. To do so manually, please follow our detailed removal guide down below.

How to Remove virus

The infection is specifically designed to make money to its creators one way or another. The specialists from various antivirus companies like Bitdefender, Kaspersky, Norton, Avast, ESET, etc. advise that there is no harmless virus.

If you perform exactly the steps below you should be able to remove the infection. Please, follow the procedures in the exact order. Please, consider to print this guide or have another computer at your disposal. You will NOT need any USB sticks or CDs.

WARNING! Stopping the wrong file or deleting the wrong registry key may damage your system irreversibly.
If you are feeling not technical enough just use Spyhunter Professional Malware Removal Tool to deal with the problem!
>>Download SpyHunter – a Professional Remover.

Please, keep in mind that SpyHunter’s scanner tool is free. To remove the infection, you need to purchase its full version.

STEP 1: Track down in the computer memory

STEP 2: Locate startup location

STEP 3: Delete traces from Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer

STEP 4: Undo the damage done by the virus

STEP 1: Track down in the computer memory

  • Open your Task Manager by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ESC keys simultaneously
  • Carefully review all processes and stop the suspicious ones.


  • Write down the file location for later reference.

Step 2: Locate startup location

Reveal Hidden Files

  • Open any folder
  • Click on “Organize” button
  • Choose “Folder and Search Options”
  • Select the “View” tab
  • Select “Show hidden files and folders” option
  • Uncheck “Hide protected operating system files”
  • Click “Apply” and “OK” button

Clean virus from the windows registry

  • Once the operating system loads press simultaneously the Windows Logo Button and the R key.


  • A dialog box should open. Type “Regedit”


Depending on your OS (x86 or x64) navigate to:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] or
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] or

  • and delete the display Name: [RANDOM]

delete backgroundcontainer

  • Then open your explorer and navigate to: %appdata% folder and delete the malicious executable.

Clean your HOSTS file to avoid unwanted browser redirection

Navigate to %windir%/system32/Drivers/etc/host

If you are hacked, there will be foreign IPs addresses connected to you at the bottom. Take a look below:


STEP 3 : Clean traces from Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer

  • Open Google Chrome

  • In the Main Menu, select Tools then Extensions
  • Remove the by clicking on the little recycle bin
  • Reset Google Chrome by Deleting the current user to make sure nothing is left behind

disable from chrome

  • Open Mozilla Firefox

  • Press simultaneously Ctrl+Shift+A
  • Disable the unwanted Extension
  • Go to Help
  • Then Troubleshoot information
  • Click on Reset Firefox

remove from firefox

  • Open Internet Explorer

  • On the Upper Right Corner Click on the Gear Icon
  • Click on Internet options
  • go to Toolbars and Extensions and disable the unknown extensions
  • Select the Advanced tab and click on Reset

remove from ie

  • Restart Internet Explorer

Step 4: Undo the damage done by

This particular Virus may alter your DNS settings.

Attention! this can break your internet connection. Before you change your DNS settings to use Google Public DNS for, be sure to write down the current server addresses on a piece of paper.

To fix the damage done by the virus you need to do the following.

  • Click the Windows Start button to open the Start Menu, type control panel in the search box and select Control Panel in the results displayed above.
  • go to Network and Internet
  • then Network and Sharing Center
  • then Change Adapter Settings
  • Right-click on your active internet connection and click properties. Under the Networking tab, find Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4). Left click on it and then click on properties. Both options should be automatic! By default it should be set to “Obtain an IP address automatically” and the second one to “Obtain DNS server address automatically!” If they are not just change them, however if you are part of a domain network you should contact your Domain Administrator to set these settings, otherwise the internet connection will break!!!

You must clean all your browser shortcuts as well. To do that you need to

  • Right click on the shortcut of your favorite browser and then select properties.


  • in the target field remove argument and then apply the changes.
  • Repeat that with the shortcuts of your other browsers.
  • Check your scheduled tasks to make sure the virus will not download itself again.

How to Permanently Remove Virus (automatic) Removal Guide

Please, have in mind that once you are infected with a single virus, it compromises your system and let all doors wide open for many other infections. To make sure manual removal is successful, we recommend to use a free scanner of any professional antimalware program to identify possible registry leftovers or temporary files.

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