Psuaservice.exe Virus Removal

Can’t Remove Psuaservice.exe? This page includes detailed Psuaservice.exe Removal instructions!

The Psuaservice.exe process is legitimate. It is associated with Panda Cloud Antivirus. Unfortunately, it appears that the crooks use the same name to camouflage a malicious process. If you have not installed Panda Cloud, you are probably dealing with a parasite. The Psuaservice.exe parasite is an intrusive ad-generating program which falls under the PUP (Potentially Unwanted Program) umbrella. Currently, there is no evidence that supports the theory that this file is a full-fledged virus. The PUP is potentially malicious. It may lure its victims into installing other malware. It is also quite likely to steal sensitive information. This parasite monitors your browsing-related data and uses the collected information as a base for ad-targeting. It is programmed to take control of your web browser and to use it as an ad-displaying platform. The PUP injects various adverts on every website you load, redirects your traffic to sponsored pages and opens pop-ups/new tabs. It generates revenue for every advert you click on. And thus, it has no intentions of limiting the number of adverts you get exposed to. Quite the opposite. Its strategy involves flooding its users with advertisements. The more adverts you see, the bigger the chance you click. Unfortunately, that means that the risk of clicking on a corrupted one is also higher. The PUP has no security mechanism. It does not verify the adverts nor the advertisers behind them. Numerous crooks use such parasites to spread misleading and false content. An unverified advert may arise unwarranted expectations at best. At worse, it will redirect you to scam and potentially infected websites. Do not play with your luck. Remove the Psuaservice.exe PUP as soon as possible!

Remove Psuaservice.exe

How did I get infected with Psuaservice.exe?

The Psuaservice.exe PUP cannot infect your PC on its own. This parasite is not that advanced. To enter, it needs help. Your help! That is not a bad joke. It was you the one who installed this parasite. Not intentionally, of course. The PUP tricked you. It stole your approval. All it needs to succeed is one second of carelessness. The parasite lurks behind software bundles, fake updates, and torrents. If you don’t pay attention to the fine print, you are very likely to install this or another similar invader. Don’t make their job easier. Be very careful what you are giving your approval to. Be extra careful when you install new software. Always opt for the Advanced option in the Setup Wizard. Many software developers attach extra apps to the payload files of their programs. Under the Advanced option, you will be presented with a list of all extras. You will be given the opportunity to deny them access. If you use the Standard installation option, however, you won’t be notified that additional apps are about to be installed. The setup wizard will install them automatically. This is your computer. You decide what to be installed on it. Don’t let others make this decision for you. Always use the Advanced installation. And do not skip the Terms and Conditions/EULA. If you don’t have the time to read the whole document, use an online EULA analyzer to scan it. If you detect anything out of the ordinary, abort the installation immediately!

Why is Psuaservice.exe dangerous?

The Psuaservice.exe PUP is very intrusive. It interferes with your every online step. The parasite covers your screen with numerous adverts. You cannot get a simple task done without an advert interrupting you. It seems that the numerous adverts slow down your Internet connection. Your browser, too, struggles to display them correctly. Unfortunately, the lack of comfort should not be your main concern. What happens behind your back is far more worrisome. The PUP spies on you and threatens to expose the collected data. This intruder knows your every online step. Which websites you visit, what search inquiries you make, what videos you watch. Even the Incognito mode of your browser cannot hide you from the intruder. The collected data may not strike as too sensitive, but a capable advertiser needs very little to successfully target you with customized ad campaigns. What if this capable advertiser has bad intentions? Numerous crooks use the PUP to target potential victims. They show you what you want to see, but when you click, bad thing happen. With the Psuaservice.exe PUP on board, you are more likely to end up on a corrupted website than on a legitimate one! This parasite is too hazardous to be kept on board, remove it before it lures you into some online scheme!

How Can I Remove Psuaservice.exe?

If you perform exactly the steps below you should be able to remove the Psuaservice.exe infection. Please, follow the procedures in the exact order. Please, consider to print this guide or have another computer at your disposal. You will NOT need any USB sticks or CDs.

  • Open your task Manager by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ESC keys simultaneously
  • Locate the process of Psuaservice.exe.exe and kill it


  • Open your windows registry editor by typing”regedit” in the windows search box

Navigate to (Depending on your OS version)

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] or
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] or

and delete the display Name: Psuaservice.exe

Simultaneously press the Windows Logo Button and then “R” to open the Run Command

Type “Appwiz.cpl

Locate the Psuaservice.exe program and click on uninstall/change. To facilitate the search you can sort the programs by date. Review the most recent installed programs first. In general you should remove all unknown programs.

Navigate to C:/Program Files and delete Psuaservice.exe folder. Double check with any antimalware program for any leftovers. Keep your software up-to date!

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