zXz Ransomware Removal (+Recover Files)

How to Remove zXz Ransomware?

Ransomware infections are so lucrative for cyber criminals, that new ones pop up daily. Not a day goes by without users complaining about a new encrypting tool. zXz is among those newer-found threats. It’s an immensely hazardous infection that corrupts your system to its core. The program uses slyness to slither its way in, and goes to work ASAP. All ransomware tools tend to follow similar programming. It’s rather standard. Invade. Encrypt. Extort. The end-game is always the same – profit. Cyber criminals want to make a buck off of your naivety. Here’s how it goes down. The infection sneaks into your system and, once it settles, encrypts your data. Upon the encryption’s completion, it displays a ransom message. In a nutshell, it says “Pay up or lose your data.” It’s pretty simple, wouldn’t you agree? The extortionists try to scare you into compliance. And, that is a scary thought, isn’t it? After all, if you choose not to pay, you’ll lose all your data, right? But, here’s the thing. Pay or no, you still lose your data. Let’s explain. There are a few scenarios that can unfold when you see the locked files, and the ransom note. Say, you choose to pay the cyber kidnappers the money they want. So, you transfer the amount. Then, what? They did promise to send you a decryption key after receiving your payment. But can you trust extortionists? What if they dupe you, and not send you one? Or, what if they send you the wrong one? And, even if they provide you with the proper key, what do you expect to happen? Yes, you will unlock your files. But, then what? The decryption key removes the encryption, not the ransomware. So, the infection is still on your PC, ready to strike again at any given time. The game is rigged against you, and the odds are not in your favor. So, don’t play at all. Just say goodbye to your files. It’s not a pleasant choice to make but it’s the right one.

How did I get infected with?

The zXz infection gains access to your system because of you. You allowed it in. Confused? Bear with us, we’ll explain. Most cyber threats need your permission to enter your PC. So do ransomware. The one, plaguing you, also sought your approval. You just didn’t realize it at the time. Odds are, you were careless when you should have been extra vigilant. One of the easiest ways, the infection tricks you is with freeware. Most users throw caution to the wind when dealing with freeware. And, that’s a colossal mistake. Infections use freeware as a shield to lurk behind. So, if you’re not careful, you get stuck with infections, like the zXz ransomware. Always be thorough and vigilant! Always read the terms and conditions. Don’t just agree to everything, and hope for the best. Due diligence is way better than hope. If you’re not careful, malware slips right by you. Don’t let it. Be attentive enough to catch it in the act, and prevent it from invading your system.

remove zXz

Why is zXz dangerous?

Let’s get into how the zXz ransomware works. First of all, you may also know it as ‘Wagcrypt’ or ‘Win32/Wagcrypt.A.’ But whichever name you use, the program has no place on your PC. Once the infection fools you into allowing it into your system, brace yourself. It targets every file you have on your computer. Pictures, videos, music, documents, et cetera. Nothing escapes its reach. The application locks your data, adding the zXz extension at the end of each file. After it’s done taking control, it displays the ransom note. You’ll find it on your Desktop, and in every folder with corrupted data, usually as a TXT file. It states that if you wish to unlock your data, you have to apply a decryption key. But to get it, you have to pay up. As was already explained, that is NOT a good idea. Do NOT comply with extortionists’ demands! It only worsens your predicament. As tough as it may be, just forsake your files. They’re not worth risking your privacy. If you pay these cyber criminals, you expose your private life to them. What do you think happens afterwards? Nothing good. So, don’t risk it. These people WILL double-cross you.

zXz Removal Instructions

STEP 1: Kill the Malicious Process

STEP 2: Reveal Hidden Files

STEP 3: Locate Startup Location

STEP 4: Recover zXz Encrypted Files

STEP 1: Stop the malicious process using Windows Task Manager

  • Open your task Manager by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ESC keys simultaneously
  • Locate the process of the ransomware. Have in mind that this is usually a random generated file.
  • Before you kill the process, type the name on a text document for later reference.


  • Locate any suspicious processes associated with zXz encryption Virus.
  • Right click on the process
  • Open File Location
  • End Process
  • Delete the directories with the suspicious files.
  • Have in mind that the process can be hiding and very difficult to detect

STEP 2: Reveal Hidden Files

  • Open any folder
  • Click on “Organize” button
  • Choose “Folder and Search Options”
  • Select the “View” tab
  • Select “Show hidden files and folders” option
  • Uncheck “Hide protected operating system files”
  • Click “Apply” and “OK” button

STEP 3: Locate zXz encryption Virus startup location

  • Once the operating system loads press simultaneously the Windows Logo Button and the R key.


Depending on your OS (x86 or x64) navigate to:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] or
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] or

  • and delete the display Name: [RANDOM]

delete backgroundcontainer

  • Then open your explorer and navigate to:

Navigate to your %appdata% folder and delete the executable.

You can alternatively use your msconfig windows program to double check the execution point of the virus. Please, have in mind that the names in your machine might be different as they might be generated randomly, that’s why you should run any professional scanner to identify malicious files.

STEP 4: How to recover encrypted files?

  • Method 1: The first and best method is to restore your data from a recent backup, in case that you have one.

windows system restore

  • Method 2: File Recovery Software – Usually when the ransomware encrypts a file it first makes a copy of it, encrypts the copy, and then deletes the original. Due to this you may try to use file recovery software to recover some of your original files.
  • Method 3: Shadow Volume Copies – As a last resort, you can try to restore your files via Shadow Volume Copies. Open the Shadow Explorer part of the package and choose the Drive you want to recover. Right click on any file you want to restore and click Export on it.

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