“Microsoft has detected some suspicious activity” +1-844-313-8541 (SCAM)

Can’t Remove “Microsoft has detected some suspicious activity” +1-844-313-8541 (SCAM) pop-ups? To make things clear, there’s no suspicious activity on your computer. There is an adware-type program, though. It’s the reason you stumble across “Microsoft has detected some suspicious activity” pop-ups and alerts on a daily basis. Another possibility is that you’ve accidentally installed a … Read more

“Don’t Restart Your Computer. Windows Detected Zeus Virus” Pop-up Alert

Can’t Remove “Don’t Restart Your Computer. Windows Detected Zeus Virus” pop-ups? “Don’t Restart Your Computer. Windows Detected Zeus” is an obnoxious pop-up alert. And, if you see it, you’re in trouble. If the warning takes over your screen, you’re in for a pretty bad time. Why? Well, you’ve managed to catch a cyber infection. And, … Read more

Remove Goodstuff.infmimgs.com Pop-up Virus (Support Scam)

Can’t Remove Goodstuff.infmimgs.com pop-ups? Goodstuff.infmimgs.com is a website full of lies! It’s a malicious page, supported by wicked third parties with agendas! The domain conceals a dangerous cyber threat. So, you must NOT ignore its sudden appearance. If it pops up one day out of the blue, you’re in trouble. And, the sooner you accept … Read more

Critical Alert (Error #268D3), Call 1-844-307-7679 (SCAM!)

Can’t Remove Critical Alert (Error #268D3), Call 1-844-307-7679 pop-ups? There’s a new scam, roaming the web. If you’ve come across the Critical Alert (Error #268D3), Call 1-844-307-7679 message, you’re in trouble. To reiterate: it’s a scam! It’s bogus, fake, and made up! So, don’t fall for it. The pop-up is designed to scare you. It’s … Read more

Fake Norton Security Scan Removal (Tech Support Scam)

Can’t Remove Norton Security Scan pop-ups? Your computer is no longer infection-free. How do we know? Because you’ve encountered the Fake Norton Security Scan window. This is a classic representative of a tech support scam and it’s aiming directly at your bank account. You see, hackers constantly keep working on new ways to deceive gullible … Read more

Warning SCAM! Windows Tech ‘AdvancedSupport’

Can’t Remove Windows Tech ‘AdvancedSupport’ pop-ups? There’s a new scam roaming the web, targeting users. It’s the Windows Tech ‘AdvancedSupport’ message. If it pops up, you’re in trouble. First and foremost, know that the entire message is a lie! It’s fake and made-up! Don’t buy it. There’s a malicious tool, lurking somewhere on your computer. … Read more