How to Remove Panda Viewer “Virus”

Can’t Remove Panda Viewer? This page includes detailed Panda Viewer Removal instructions!

The Panda Viewer is supposed to be a free tool that allows you to read various types of graphic novels. Well, it is not free. You pay with your privacy and comfort! The utility has more functions than you are aware of. It is a type of unsecured advertising tool. Security researchers have categorized it as a PUP (Potentially Unwanted Program). The Panda Viewer PUP adds its extension to your web browsers and takes control of them. It injects various advertisements on every website you open, redirects your web traffic to sponsored pages and even pauses your online videos for commercial breaks. It is a pain in the neck that is hard to be tolerated. And it shouldn’t! The longer this parasite remains active, the worse your conditions become. The PUP gets more and more aggressive with each passing day. You will notice that previously ad-free websites are now heavy on ads. Your poor browser struggles to keep up with the aggressive adverts. It freezes and crashes unexpectedly. These issues, however, are barely scratching the surface of the problem. Do not focus on them. Worry about the things that happen behind your back. The nasty Panda Viewer PUP spies on you. That is right. This nasty parasite monitors your online habits. It catalogs your every online step. Can you imagine the crooks may do with this data? They can target you with customized adverts and lure you into online scams. If the PUP discovers sensitive information, the crooks may use it to blackmail you. The Panda Viewer PUP is not a full-fledged virus, but it causes serious trouble. Do not play with your luck. Remove the parasite before it’s too late!

Remove Panda Viewer

How did I get infected with Panda Viewer?

You can download the Panda Viewer app off dozens of online platforms. Yet, there are users who have no idea how did it manage to enter their systems unnoticed. Well, the PUP uses trickery. It hides in software bundles and fake updates. The parasite cannot install itself, so it steals your approval. That is right, the parasite tricked you into installing it. You could have prevented this infection. The best thing you can do now is to learn from your mistakes. This time, a PUP tricked you. You may not be that lucky the next time. Numerous dangerous viruses use the same strategies to reach their victims. Your caution can prevent these methods form succeeding. All you should do is to be vigilant and doubting. When you start an installation process, opt for red flags. Be extra careful when you install free software. If you are offered an Advanced/Custom installation option, by all means, select it. Under it, you will be presented with a list of all extra apps that are about to be installed. Many software developers attach additional programs to the payload files of their applications. These extras, more often than not, are malicious. You can deselect them under the Advanced Setup. If you use the Standard option, on the other hand, these extras will be installed automatically. So, make sure you know what you re giving your approval to. Deselect all suspicious apps. Also, bear in mind that you can deselect all extras and still install the program you originally planned to set up. If a description stated otherwise, there is something shady going on with the software copy you are about to install.

Why is Panda Viewer dangerous?

The Panda Viewer PUP is extremely intrusive. This parasite interferes with every aspect of our daily web browsing. It forces adverts on you and spying on your actions. It is your constant online companion. The nasty parasite not only collects information about your habits, it also sells access to the data. Anyone willing to pay can use the PUP and its resource to target you. All sorts of crooks do. They use the collected information to prepare irresistible adverts and display them through the PUP. They show you what you want to see, but when you click on their ads, you end up on questionably-looking websites. The misleading ads may arouse unwarranted expectations at best. At worst, they may redirect you to infected websites. Furthermore, numerous online scams are spread through PUPs. The crooks target your wallet. They know how to deceive you. The nasty Panda Viewer parasite helps them. It turns you into an easy target. Do not put up with this situation. Remove the intruder as soon as possible.

How Can I Remove Panda Viewer?

If you perform exactly the steps below you should be able to remove the Panda Viewer infection. Please, follow the procedures in the exact order. Please, consider to print this guide or have another computer at your disposal. You will NOT need any USB sticks or CDs.

  • Open your task Manager by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ESC keys simultaneously
  • Locate the process of Panda Viewer.exe and kill it


  • Open your windows registry editor by typing”regedit” in the windows search box

Navigate to (Depending on your OS version)

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] or
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] or

and delete the display Name: Panda Viewer

Simultaneously press the Windows Logo Button and then “R” to open the Run Command

Type “Appwiz.cpl

Locate the Panda Viewer program and click on uninstall/change. To facilitate the search you can sort the programs by date. Review the most recent installed programs first. In general you should remove all unknown programs.

Navigate to C:/Program Files and delete Panda Viewer folder. Double check with any antimalware program for any leftovers. Keep your software up-to date!

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