Remove Hijacker from Chrome/Firefox/IE

Suddenly took over your homepage and you cannot remove it. is a browser hijacker. Or rather, a browser hijacker is lurking behind the domain. After all, is nothing more than a website. The hijacker is merely using it as a front, as a ‘face’ if you will. The page’s sudden appearance is a clear indication of the presence of a cyber infection on your PC. That’s why, as soon as you spot it, you must take action! You should take the website as the warning it is, and act on it immediately. is a nasty, intrusive website that will take over your preferred homepage and search engine. One day, you’ll turn on your PC, and be greeted with this switch. But the surprise changes won’t end there. That’s just one of the ‘perks’ of getting stuck with such an infection. Some of the other ones include being subjected to endless redirects, as well as bombarded with pop-up ads, very time you try to browse the web. Having to endure a slower PC performance and frequent system crashes. And, on top of all that, being exposed to both malware and a security threat. The page should tip you off to the presence of a hazardous infection lurking on your computer, wreaking havoc and making a bigger mess with each passing second you allow it stay. So, remove it the first chance you get! Find its hiding spot on your PC, and when you do, don’t hesitate to remove it. You’ll save yourself a ton of grievances, and earn the gratitude of your future self.


How did I get infected with?

Hijackers, like the one you’re currently stuck with, don’t just pop out of the blue one day. For one to enter your system, it’s required to gain your permission first. Let that sink in. That means that you’re the reason behind your predicament right now. It means the malicious tool asked you if you wish to install it, and you gave an affirmative response. Do you remember doing that? It’s most likely that you don’t. But don’t be too hard on yourself, hijackers are so masterful in the arts of deceit that they not only dupe you into agreeing to install them, but also keep you oblivious to it. They usually succeed in doing that with the help of the old but gold means of infiltration. That involves hitching a ride with freeware, corrupted links or sites, or spam email attachments. And, they can also pose as updates, fake ones. You might be convinced you’re updating your Java or Adobe Flash Player but, in actuality, you’re giving the green light to a hazardous infection. Don’t allow that to happen! Don’t rush and don’t give into distraction and gullibility. Such tools prey on your carelessness, so perhaps if you don’t provide it, you’ll manage to prevent them from ever entering your PC. Remember that even a little extra caution can save you a ton of headaches and troubles.

Why is this dangerous? is a page you should perceive as a warning sign. As was already explained, it’s an indication that there is a hijacker on your PC. And, that’s NOT something to smile at or shrug off. Its presence poses a severe threat to both you and your system. To allow one to remain, and do nothing to get rid of it, is to doom your system’s well-being, and gamble with yours. Don’t do that! As soon as it reveals itself, take swift actions towards its immediate deletion. That moment of realization should hit you shortly after infiltration when it takes over your default search engine and homepage and replaces them with One day, you’ll turn on your PC, and be surprised with this unrequested change. But the surprises won’t end there. The hijacker is free to perform any types of switches and reshuffles it so desires, and it can implement them without even bothering to ask for your permission first. That’s because once you’ve granted it access to your system by permitting its install, it’s no longer bound by that restriction. And, if that doesn’t scare you, you should rethink your priorities. A dangerous infection, hiding behind the site, will have absolute reign over your PC. If it wishes to, it can install as many malicious tools as it so desires. How long do you suppose your computer will last before it gives in? Don’t wait around to find out. Don’t allow the hijacker to force even one more malevolent application on you! Nip it in the bud! As soon as you’re first greeted with, make it your mission to find where the tool is lurking on your system, and when you do, delete it immediately. That way, you won’t just avoid the endless redirects, the bombardment of pop-up advertisements, the slower PC performance, the frequent system crashes, and the malware threat. You’ll also protect yourself from the severe security threat the hijacker places upon you. Oh, yes. It puts your personal and financial information at significant risk as it spies on you. It starts from the moment it settles on your system. The nasty application keeps track of your browsing activities and catalogs every move you make online, and when it deems it has gathered enough data, it sends it to the third parties that published it. Think about it. Strangers with access to your private life. The question is, are you going to allow that? Take you time to answer because both your and your system’s future rest on your reply.

How to Remove virus

If you perform exactly the steps below you should be able to remove the infection. Please, follow the procedures in the exact order. Please, consider to print this guide or have another computer at your disposal. You will NOT need any USB sticks or CDs.

The adware is specifically designed to make money. It generates web traffic, collects sales leads for other dubious sites, and will display advertisements and sponsored links within your web browser.

STEP 1: Uninstall from Add\Remove Programs

STEP 2: Clean from Chrome Firefox or Internet Explorer

STEP 3: Permanently Remove leftovers from the System

STEP 1 : Uninstall from your computer

Simultaneously press the Windows Logo Button and then “R” to open the Run Command Window

run command


Type “regedit



navigate to HKCU\software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main

Modify the string with a value data and set it to for example.

STEP 2 : Remove homepage from Chrome, Firefox and IE

  • Open Google Chrome

  • In the Main Menu, select Tools then Extensions
  • Remove the by clicking on the little recycle bin
  • Reset Google Chrome by Deleting the current user to make sure nothing is left behind

disable from chrome

  • Open Mozilla Firefox

  • Press simultaneously Ctrl+Shift+A
  • Disable the unwanted Extension
  • Go to Help
  • Then Troubleshoot information
  • Click on Reset Firefox

remove from firefox

  • Open Internet Explorer

  • On the Upper Right Corner Click on the Gear Icon
  • Click on Internet options
  • go to Toolbars and Extensions and disable the unknown extensions
  • Select the Advanced tab and click on Reset

remove from ie

  • Restart Internet Explorer

How to Permanently Remove Virus (automatic) Removal Guide

To make sure manual removal is successful, we recommend to use a free scanner of any professional antimalware program to identify possible registry leftovers or temporary files.

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