Remove Homepage From Chrome/Firefox

Suddenly took over your homepage and you cannot remove it. is a Russian domain, and it’s quite malicious. It may seem like just another site you come across while browsing. But it’s not. Appearances can be deceiving. While the site appears like your typical one, it’s not. It conceals a colossal cyber threat. One, which throws you into a tornado of troubles and headaches. One, which bombards you with issues on a daily basis. And, for as long as you it remains on your PC, you get plagued by grievances. That’s why its immediate deletion is imperative. Think of as a big, bright neon sign. It’s cluing you into the existence of the infection. So, as soon as you see it, take action! Don’t discard the warning! Do your best to find where on your computer the hijacker is lurking. And, when you do, get rid of it on the spot. Understand that its presence on your PC only leads to negatives. You have nothing to gain but unpleasantness. Instead of putting up with it, avoid it. Locate and delete the cyber menace ASAP. You’ll save yourself a ton of issues, and earn the gratitude of your future self.


How did I get infected with?

Hijackers have to ask for your approval on their installation. And, unless you give it, they cannot enter your PC. Since they don’t take any chances, they’ve come up with a multitude of tricks to get it. They don’t just rely on luck. Oh, no. They rely on skill. And, the infection behind is no different. It’s a master in the arts of slyness and subtlety. And, that’s how it got into your system. Through deception and finesse. And, of course, the old but gold means of infiltration. Like, freeware, corrupted links, bogus updates, spam email attachments, etc. But there’s one thing absolutely imperative for the hijacker’s success. Even with the sneakiest means at its disposal, it cannot succeed without your carelessness. It cannot succeed in its sneaky invasion without it. Distraction, naivety, and haste are crucial ingredients in its quest for slithering in undetected. So, don’t grant them. Turn to vigilance, instead. Caution goes a long way.

Why is this dangerous?

After the hijacker sneaks into your system, it wastes no time. It begins to meddle ASAP. As was mentioned, its presence gets revealed with You’ll first see the page in place of your default search engine and homepage. One day, it’s no longer what you set it to be. It’s You didn’t ask for the switch. You didn’t approve it. It took you by surprise. And, that’s how a hijacker works. It performs changes without asking for your permission, or informing you. It can just spring them on you. What if the tool decided to install malicious programs on your computer? And, lots of them. Imagine if it did that with countless cyber threats. How long do you think your PC with put up with the malware before it gives up? How long before The Blue Screen of Death? Why wait to find out? Why take the chance? Why not avoid it altogether? Delete the hijacker as soon as it reveals itself with That way, you’ll not only avoid the malware risk, but countless others, as well. The worst of which is the security threat. Yes, the hijacker on your system, jeopardizes your privacy. It spies on you from the moment it enters. The tool keeps a close eye on your browsing. And, catalogs your every online move. After it determines that it has gathered enough data from you, it sends it. To whom, you wonder? Well, to strangers. To the third parties that published it, to be exact. Once these unknown individuals get their hands on it, what do you think happens? Do you think anything positive follows? We’re talking about people with questionable agendas. People, who’ve unleashed a dangerous hijacker onto the web. Whatever they do with your data, it will NOT end well for you. Protect your personal and financial information from the clutches of strangers with agendas! Take the appearance of as the warning, which it is! And, act on it. The sooner you find and delete the hijacker behind it, the better.

How to Remove virus

If you perform exactly the steps below you should be able to remove the infection. Please, follow the procedures in the exact order. Please, consider to print this guide or have another computer at your disposal. You will NOT need any USB sticks or CDs.

The adware is specifically designed to make money. It generates web traffic, collects sales leads for other dubious sites, and will display advertisements and sponsored links within your web browser.

STEP 1: Uninstall from Add\Remove Programs

STEP 2: Clean from Chrome Firefox or Internet Explorer

STEP 3: Permanently Remove leftovers from the System

STEP 1 : Uninstall from your computer

Simultaneously press the Windows Logo Button and then “R” to open the Run Command Window

run command


Type “regedit



navigate to HKCU\software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main

Modify the string with a value data and set it to for example.

STEP 2 : Remove homepage from Chrome, Firefox and IE

  • Open Google Chrome

  • In the Main Menu, select Tools then Extensions
  • Remove the by clicking on the little recycle bin
  • Reset Google Chrome by Deleting the current user to make sure nothing is left behind

disable from chrome

  • Open Mozilla Firefox

  • Press simultaneously Ctrl+Shift+A
  • Disable the unwanted Extension
  • Go to Help
  • Then Troubleshoot information
  • Click on Reset Firefox

remove from firefox

  • Open Internet Explorer

  • On the Upper Right Corner Click on the Gear Icon
  • Click on Internet options
  • go to Toolbars and Extensions and disable the unknown extensions
  • Select the Advanced tab and click on Reset

remove from ie

  • Restart Internet Explorer

How to Permanently Remove Virus (automatic) Removal Guide

To make sure manual removal is successful, we recommend to use a free scanner of any professional antimalware program to identify possible registry leftovers or temporary files.

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